About GymQuest

GymQuest is a freeware (for Windows) study aid and review tool for judges of women's gymnastics.  It includes questions and review sheets on trick values, additive value, deductions and special requirements.  Included is J.O. information from level 5 up to level 10 through 6/2013.  Level 4 rules have not yet been updated.  The level 10 questions and Code elements should be accurate.  Please notify me of any inaccuracies with these.

--Jennifer Morgan


Installing GymQuest 2009 (BETA)
Note: GymQuest  is for Windows only

Install .NET 2.0

I have temporarily given up on the install.  In order to get the program (or updates), you will need to join the Yahoo! GymQuest group (see link on right)
First time users: download InstallationFilesForExistingUsers.zip.  Unzip it into a folder of you choice.
Existing users: you will receive notification and instructions when the question files have been updates.


Special thanks to WWGym for hosting GymQuest. Please visit their site

 About Me

A former recreational gymnast, I began judging gymnastics in 1995.  I received my level 10 rating in January of 1998.  I received my National rating in July of 2009.

E-mail me